Friday, October 31, 2008

Does Prop 8 Divide The Church?

Recently I learned that my eighty-four year-old grandmother, who lives in California, has been standing out in the road holding a sign urging others to Vote "Yes" on Prop 8 which would eliminate the right of same-sex couples to marry. I haven't heard her voice in almost six-years, but she'd be the first to tell you that "Families Are Forever" even if in this life she's put almost zero effort into connecting with said family. Too many missions to serve, temples to volunteer at, relief society lessons to give she says.

In the past few weeks whenever I log onto my Facebook account, the headlines read things like, "Lisa joined the group: Vote Yes! on Prop 8" or someone's status will say, "Michael is a Mormon supporting Prop 8." I've even received personal e-mails asking me to join the effort or donate my time/money. Few and far between are those Mormon friends brave enough to say they aren't supporting Prop 8.

So, on which side of this debate do you fall and why? Can you be a "good" Mormon and not support Prop 8? If things don't go your way on November 4th, then what?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Should a Descendant of Cain Be President?

Growing up in Utah, I learned the following things about blacks in Sunday School:

1- Blacks were less valiant in the War In Heaven
2- Blacks are descendants of Cain (who was an associate of Lucifer in the preexistence)
3- Blacks are cursed and not worthy of the priesthood (until 1978)

Luckily, those messages weren't reinforced at home because honestly, since there were only two black kids in my whole high school, it wasn't a big issue. Now I'm living in the South and at certain times, I'm the minority. Some of my favorite neighbors and co-workers are black, the man I want to vote for president is black, but should I be wary as clearly the color of their skin lets me know they are less valiant if I learned anything from my church lessons? What about you, what has the church taught you about race and how will that factor into your vote on election day? Can you believe LDS church teachings and still vote for Obama?