For those who read my earlier post on connections between Mormonism, Bigfoot, Cain, and the Three Nephites. Here's a tantalizing update from The New York Times if you want to be the life of the party in gospel doctrine class this Sunday. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/08/15/us/15bigfoot.html?em
My guess, this is a big hoax for a couple of rednecks to drum up some business. They're holding a press conference today a noon PST to offer up more photos and DNA. If I'm wrong about this being a marketing scheme, and it is Bigfoot, well, I'll eat those entrails sitting on Bigfoot's tummy.
ok...if you believe this you're will to believe anything!! big let down...two morons in too deep after a night of drinking and shrooms.
Feel like taking a trip up to my neck of the woods and going on a "bigfoot hunt" ;)
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