Today I went to fast and testimony meeting because a family member was blessing their baby. When the bishop opened the floor to testimonies, there was a flood of young children that leaped toward the stand and I was appalled by how many of them followed the same script. Here it is in case you haven't been in awhile:
I KNOW this church is true, I KNOW Thomas S. Monson is the TRUE prophet, I KNOW that if I am righteous in this life I will be with my family in heaven.
Every child out of the eight that got up used these three phrases with the emphasis as highlighted. My son also wanted to go up and I asked him what he wanted to say, he said, "Jesus is really, really, funny." So of course I urged him to go up while my celestial sex partner begged him to stay sitting quietly.
It's been awhile since I've been to a FT meeting, so these children's testimonies didn't sound as childlike and from the hip as they used to, instead thoughts of what I'd read about education in Communist China and the Hitler Youth ran through my head. How can a child that's eight KNOW anything? Why the emphasis on Monson being the TRUE prophet? Can a child that age understand the meaning of the word righteous and the idea of not being with their family for eternity if they don't follow the LDS church's definition of the word?
I had hoped that attending FT meeting would leave me longing to return, and instead it left me, well, scared to send my son back to primary next week.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
well its official, your blog has become anti-mormon if your attacking sweet young children and thier beliefs. I found it interesting at first but now i am just appalled. I will no longer be visiting your blog.
Anti-mormon? You've got to be kidding? The author was just questioning whether little children understand what they are saying from the pulpit. I agree with her. They don't. Do I see anything wrong with them mimicking their parents and others? No, not really, but this is not an anti-mormon site. Your intolerance is what is appalling.
In my ward the kids say the following:
I know the church is true.
I know (prophet du jour) is a true prophet.
I hope to be married in the temple some day.
Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
I'm not attacking "sweet young children," I'm questioning if they understand their "beliefs." I like it better when they'd get up and say what was on their minds and in their hearts, not some script they were mimicking.
As far as being "anti"--you get to make that call. I admit to having a love/hate relationship with the church, but I think "anti" is too general for those of us on the fringes.
Go to a Catholic mass or Buddhist Temple, or any other church. The children are taught chants or mantras that they don't understand. This is the way children learn and feel a part of the organization.
Ginanne, did your two year old understand what she was saying the first time she blessed the food or said amen? I think not, she just wanted to participate.
Anti-Mormon? Nah. Thought-provoking, yep.
I think the previous poster is right. In every culture and religion you have young children mimicing their parents. At that age all they want to have is that approval. In some LDS families children think that is what their parents want from them.
In every ward I've ever been in it's much the same
I'd like to bear my testimony.
I know this church is true.
I know so and so is a true prophet.
Various temple, family, stuff.
Time and time and time again official church materials say not to let kids do this. My dad is in the stake pres and he said they were given a letter that said to discourage children from doing this. In one ward I've been in they did talk about how we need to really tell our children what a testimony is and encourage them to share their thoughts with us about that.
Hey - I'm still amazed that many kids want to get up there. You couldn't have paid me when I was a kid.
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