I heard an interesting story the other day. It seems a woman has been going around to wards in the Ogden, UT, area and towards the end of sacrament meeting she goes up to the pulpit and launches into a lecture on how people use “Golly,” “Gosh,” and “
Geez” too much. I have a feeling Napoleon Dynamite is not her favorite film. Most likely she needs some help from
LDS services, or she’s confused and thinks the Sunday for testimony meeting varies from ward to ward, but my hat’s off to her as surveys repeatedly show that people fear public speaking more than death and she’s apparently the exception. Somehow, someone got a picture of her and it’s been sent to area bishops along with a letter explaining the situation. This got me wondering, have other such photos of troublemakers gone out to bishops, and is my photo hanging in a church office somewhere? Maybe that’s why I was escorted from Gospel Doctrine the last time I tried to attend, or maybe it’s because I tried to ask a question.
I confess....
You've got me curious so I check it out...all you have to do is take some spoonfuls of olive oil? Is that right?
my DD is three. unfortunately it took her saying d@mn it! (when she dropped cherrios in nursery) for me to realize that I need to notice who is in the room before I get THAT frustrated! ;)
I think you labels say it all. Or, perhaps we should be thankful that there are people that have so little to worry about that.....ahhhhhh !@#$%^&
Thanks for writing this.
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