Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Silly Regrets

As another birthday looms closer, I find myself reflecting on my past in hopes that it will give me the wisdom to better navigate another year. I’ve always believed in living without regrets, but now I think they’re inevitable. Admittedly, mine are slight- I never missed the opportunity to marry the love of my life, murdered someone in cold blood (at least I wouldn’t admit that here or that would be truly regretful) or missed filling out a lotto ticket when I knew the winning number, but I still have a short list of things I feel remorse for:

1- That I didn’t dress sluttier when I was younger. In my early twenties I had an amazing body, but I never appreciated it and instead focused on its trivial flaws, never imagining it would bloom three sizes once I got married. Also, I never showed said body off, but instead hearkened to the bogus claims that I needed to be overly modest. Now I’m not saying I wanted to look like a $2 buck hussy, but maybe a strapless dress or cleavage flirting tank wouldn’t of been uncalled for—surely no man or rabid lesbian was going to haul me into the bushes for that and I think God would have appreciated me showing off the assets he created when they were still pointing ahead.

2- That I didn’t get more lovin’ when it was so wrong and felt so good. I also bought into the admonition that one shouldn’t have sex until marriage. Now I’m not saying you should go out and hump anything with goose-bumped flesh (especially before you’re an adult), but when you’ve been with someone for four years and you’re engaged, is some sex so deviant? And why when said fiancĂ© touches your boobs two days before the ceremony should one feel compelled to run and tell his farmer neighbor turned bishop to ask for spiritual absolution? You may think, well, then is it regretful to only have had sex with one person? And I’d say no- I’m perfectly content to have sexually embarrassed myself in front of only one person.

3- That I married so young. Clearly regret number #2 lead to regret #3. I in no way feel remorse for who I married, just that due to the constraint of our culture we felt so obligated to marry before we’d even finished college. Sometimes I wonder about the opportunities I missed because decisions had to be made as a couple, but the flip side is that we enjoyed seven childless years where we traveled. I also would’ve enjoyed more of those single years when I was responsible for no one but myself, didn’t have to listen to snoring, and cherished that I alone could be the best company.

So those are the petty major three and what should I take from them as I enter into my 32nd year? I think Katherine Hepburn said it best, “If you obey the rules, you miss all the fun,” so this year I’m taking her advice and let’s see if this makes it a year without adding silly regrets.


steve-o said...

I had some fun when I was younger (#2), and then went through the confession/repentance process with multiple leaders in multiple locations. This is one of the things I miss least about the Mormon church. This requirement for the most "serious" sins gives the leadership massive amounts of control over the faithful, and causes unbelievable feelings of guilt. While I had my fun and it was great, at the same time I would never wish the things I went through (including being sent home from my mission less than two weeks after I got to the field for "unresolved sin") on anyone else. Maybe it's better that you didn't have your fun, considering what your beliefs on the subject probably were back then.

Lisa said...

For what it's worth, I spend a lot of time talking to retired people about their past decisions and regrets (I teach personal history writing), and most of the ones who got married young are really proud of what they did together as a couple in their early years, especially if they started out with very little. The only common regret that everyone seems to have is not fully appreciating their loved ones during their younger years. Besides, most women end up living alone for most of their elderly years anyway, so there's a good chance you'll get to experience those single days after all; although instead of wearing tight clothes and going to wild parties, you'll be donning depends while you play bingo at the senior center...
By the way, don't we have the same birthday?

Jason Elphick said...

So, I have decided I am going to start a religion based on your blogs. We will teach, "how to avoid regret"--"Motherhood 101"

And it will be awesome!

Your last entry is almost verbatim a conversation I had with the wife about 3 months ago--(except the skimpy clothes thing, I don't think I have ever been able to pull that off)

Keep it up Liz--you have at least one follower!

Anonymous said...

Well Molly, I don't have the same regrets. I didn't marry young and I have been getting around. I don't wear slutty clothes because I'm a dude.

I have specifically tried to break all the rules and I have to say it makes me laugh. But in the end, it didn't change anything. Married young or old makes no difference, sex with different partners makes no difference. It's still just sex. At 32 you can still have a good body, it's not like you're going to break your hip yet.

Grass is greener on the other side even when you get over the fence.

Joanna said...

My regrets are similar versions of yours. #1- not that I dressed skimpy- just that I wouldn't have been so hard on my body- and realized that at 19, 20- it was the best it was ever going to get.
#2- not that I didn't get lovin' (I got plenty!)- I just wish I hadn't let other decide how I should/shouldn't feel about it.
#3- I don't regret marrying young, I regret marrying with blinders on.... the whole happily ever after mentality just isn't for married life. :)

james said...

I think the scriptures give the best advice concerning #1

Matthew 5:16... Let your light so shine before men that they may see your ( or God's) good works and glorify your father which is in heaven

people commit a grave sin when they hide Gods works...

Ah life can be good

james said...

#2 is covered in
Matthew 22: 39 ... love they neighour as thyself.

#3... again in Matthew 22 but verse 30... neither marry, nor given in marriage...

One should turn to the bible to answer all questions.

A good life is so simple...

Anonymous said...

New reader---just wandered here.

#1: I regret not appreciate my awesome body while I actually had one, but I don't wish I'd dressed like a slut.

#2: I did have sex with a boyfriend before I was married (not my husband). And I regret it. And not because of church teachings, although, I'm sure that comes into play alot.
It's because I truly believe sex to be a very special sacred thing between husband and wife, and part of what makes it special is exploring it and opening up with it, and learning together as a couple. There shouldn't be any room for comparisons, etc in marriage. It's hard enough without that.

#3: I don't regret getting married when I did. I was married at 22. We dated for 2 years. I was ready. He was ready.
We are very happily married.

Anonymous said...

I only wish I had your list of regrets. When I was young I had the mind of "its better to regret doing something than to regret not having done it"

Man that was a horrible mistake. In retrospect I don't know why God just didn't kill me for being a wicked person.

At 20 I had the world by the short and curlys, and was riding high on the hog. By the time I was 26 I was dragging on the bottom through the mud. And I just kinda scraped on the bottom there for about a year. Before I started to wise up.

Sometimes your better of doing the right thing from the beginning if you can help it. Alot less embarrassment and consequences.

I have two daughters so far and I will be teaching them modesty and abstinence, etc. Mostly because they are not going to leave my sight. Kinda funny though, my mother said to me "you can't do that" My rebuttal to that was "the hell I can't, and further more I am going to sell my daughters for a bride price in a prearranged marriage" LOL Why does everyone think I am crazy?