Back on June 2nd, I put up a post titled, "It's Just That Simple," on how I find it sexy when my celestial sex partner does housework. Well, today on CNN there was a story about research that shows women are turned on by a mate who helps out, and why shouldn't he when that same research revealed your celestial sex partner creates seven more hours of housework for you...
Here's the link:
I would advise printing the article out, rolling it up and then attaching it to a bottle of dish soap with a pair of lacy underwear. Martha Stewart don't you dare steal this gift idea.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
hehe... seriously, I'm tying the ribbons the the Toilet bowl cleaners now!:)
Puhleeeaaase...Joanna, I think you've got it backwards, babe. You don't bribe me with sex...I bribe YOU with sex. He, he, he!
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