Sunday, June 1, 2008

Nursing Babies Young and Old, Really Old

My mother once told me that women marry their first baby and I now know it’s true. However, my husband has always been different than my other children in that among other things, I’ve never nursed him, but twice in the last few months I’ve had other nursing mothers confess to sharing a nip of breast milk with their spouse- intentional or not. Plus, another mother confessed to trying her own milk because she wanted to know what her baby was getting. Yeah, sometimes play date discussions turn into major over share sessions, but I guess that’s how we know what the Jones’s are doing (and it’s great blog fodder). Now seriously ladies, am I missing something? I don’t know about you, but I’m going to be candid here, when I’m in the nursing phase, my bra never comes off, especially during sex as I have a strict policy of never mixing business with pleasure. All I had to do was slap my celestial sex partner’s hand a few times and he got it.

Which takes me to nursing the young- walking in the mall a few weeks back, I saw a mother sit down at the fountain and pick up a little boy who had to be about two or more, and discreetly breastfeed him. It was fascinating to watch the faces of passersby- some scrunched their noses, and others winked, cheering her on.

I know, this is one of those serious cultural taboos, but at what age should you put the tasting menu away for your babies- 1, 2, 5, …30?


Anonymous said...

I don't even know what to say to this.
All I know, if your kid's got a mouth full of teeth, it's time to call it quits.
I must admit I'm confused, is your husband also feeding?

Britta said...

I am a breastfeeding mom ;) My first baby weaned himself when he was 11 months old. My second is 13 months old and still nursing. She'll let me know when she's done.

As for how old is too old, it depends on so many things. How comfortable is everyone with it? What strangers think has nothing to do with it.

I'm with you on the boobs are for babies debate, I get over sensitive in "the area" and it doesn't feel good to have them touched.

I have tasted my breast milk, just a drop that spilled on me. Tastes like cantaloupe juice.

Anonymous said...

I think when they are old enough to ask for it (and by ask for it I mean scream something like BOOBIES!) they are too old to have it.

Shay Lee said...

I'm also a nursing mom but she is my first so I'm not sure when we'll be done. I'm afraid that when she get's teeth we might have to call it quits but we'll just see how nice she is. I actually like it. And it is good for them. And I don't really care what strangers think about me doing it in public. If she is hungry I'm not going to let her starve for other people's convevience. I'm discrete. And why else would God make us milk factories if not for the purpose of feeding our children.
About the hubby, I've tried to get him to taste some of mine just because I think it is hilarious how freaked out he gets. But definately off limits where fore-play is involved.
And I've tried my own. I want to know what she's getting. Not like I suck on it or anything but it sometimes overflows everywhere and and so I tasted. I really think people make a bigger deal of it than it needs to be. Come on, we drink from a cow's tit everyday and don't think twice about it.
so that's my two cents.

Joanna said...

I'm on baby number 3. Nursing stops when teeth start (and since DH has teeth...)

dragonnldy77 said...

Well, I think each to their own. I only nrsed the first one until his teeth came in, by then he was seven months old, it hurt, and he was eating cereal and baby food so I was done. I don't feel bad about that. My youngest had a stomach tube until he was 12 months so I was never able to nurse him. I pumped for the first 5 months but that was plenty long for that! My cousin nurses them until they are 4 or 5. Personally that would be way too long and make me feel a little creepy. But thats her business. So I guess its all just a presonal question. As for nursing in public, as long as it's discreet, go for it.

sara said...

Physiologically human babies were created to be nourished with breastmilk until they were about 4 years old. I've come across this in my anthropology studies :) Has to do with teeth, growth, intestinal, nutrition issues.

Stopping with the growth of teeth sounds crazy. What about those babies that get teeth early?!

So far my shortest breastfeeding phase was 21 months and my longest 3 years. All of my kids have been different - my 3 year old much more needy. It was great for our relationship and his development. It's just the normal, God given thing to do!