Tuesday, June 24, 2008

We Are The Gene Pool Gatekeepers

I read a shocking statistic from the Wall Street Journal- 38% of children are now born out of wedlock, a number that is rising. 28% are born to white single mothers, 50% among Hispanics, and 71% for blacks. It took my brain some time to wrap around those numbers and what they mean for the future of this country. One might be inclined to blame men for these atrocious statistics and I do, but I blame women more. As women it’s a biological fact that when we choose to have childbearing sex without negotiating the protective contract of marriage, we are often the ones left to shoulder all of the responsibility unless we’ve chosen a mate wisely. By not demanding that men become husbands before being fathers, we are helping to create a generation that will continue the welfare state unless something is done to better ensure a man’s accountability. Plus, gender equality can never be realized until both sexes are equally “burdened” by the day-to-day physical and financial acts of caring for children.

With statistics like these, do you think the ratio of whites to blacks in prison will ever improve? By having this new generation growing up without a father as husband, what do you think the future of our country will be?

Ladies, we are the gatekeepers to the gene pool and it’s time we blew the lifeguard’s whistle because too many of us are entering the water with a turd in our pocket instead of a ring on our finger.


One Fish said...

Now what's really sad is that 1/3 of children born are unwanted. And only 2% of single mothers are even exploring adoption as an option. Couples looking for children have increased exponentially but single mothers exploring adoption have dropped 30 % in the last 15 years. They are too afraid of being accused of abandoning their children. It's really sad they aren't prsented the real facts.

Anonymous said...

That is sad. Adoption blessed alot of lives including the birth mother.

Joanna said...

I agree, how are children supposed to learn how to be responsible adults if there aren't any responsible fathers (or even mothers)in the home to teach them?

Anonymous said...

Sadly, this is not a trend that is going to slow down or reverse. It's practically biblical, Revelations type stuff. We can't see the second coming until we see the complete crumble of society as it was intended. Gay marriage (right or wrong or wait to see in the hereafter), unwed mothers and bastard children, irresponsible fathers, wars and rumors of wars...we are seeing it all unfold before our very eyes. I'm not afraid, but it makes me that much more serious about the lessons I teach my children because I want them to be valiant and stallwart in all that THEY will see unfold.

Britta said...

Why is it so hard to adopt then?

One Fish said...

It's so hard because
A- It's really expensive
B- There aren't many kids available for adoption.

I've had alot of experiences with alot of birth moms and from what I've seen it take so much MORE love to place a child for adoption. It's the mothers who don't care who keep babies they can't take care of. (And no I'm not saying anything bad about single mothers- there are amazing women who are single moms- I'm just saying it's hard for both mother and child and there are alot of women not up to the job.)

Anonymous said...

It also depends on whom you want to adopt...If you want a perfect white infant, it's going to be much harder than if you wanted a black baby, a baby with a disability, or a toddler or older child.

dragonnldy77 said...

I think it is so sad. I think a lot of the problem is that most of these births are to teens which just makes to whole problem that much worse. Not only are most of the fathers not there but most of the time neither parent is capable. Even if they want to be. I wish adoption was looked at more, but I agree that it takes so much love to be able to make that choice. I am so glad for the movie Juno that helped adress that. But I am afraid for the future where these poor kids have no stability of mother and father (responsible mother and father). What will they learn? And I agree with the above poster I am not saying all single mothers are this way. I was a single mother for many years after my divorce but I had an amazing support system of family and their dad stayed in the picture with them, visiting, helping etc. so I was very lucky. Being a single mother is very difficult. But it is for all the unwanted uncared for ones I worry for.