If you haven’t already read it, the LDS church has written a letter to be read to wards in California on June 29th concerning an “anti-gay marriage” amendment. I’m just thinking the church may want to ask themselves how this letter got posted on http://www.wikileaks.org/ over a week before it was supposed to be read…
Anyway, it asks members to support the passing of a constitutional amendment that would define marriage as being between, “a man and a woman” by donating their, “means and time.” Now these times, they are a changin’ and I fully expect that in my lifetime, regardless of any church coalition's best efforts, I will witness marriage legalized in many forms- homosexual, polygamy, and polyandry. Personally, I hope gay marriage gets the green light because that means polyandry is just that much closer to being okay and a few more husbands is exactly what I need. First of all, I’m thinking four husbands is the right number for me- a smart one, a good looking one, a bad boy, and one that knows how to do hair. Can you imagine how rich we’d be if all of my husband’s had jobs? Plus, I’d be unbelievably powerful in the house because with women, there’s only so much sex to go around. The good news for them is that they could split up my “honey do” list and it would make sense to dedicate one bathroom in the house to always having the seat up. They’d never be lonely for someone to play video games with and the Elder’s Quorum would no longer have to come over to help move heavy furniture. Yes, I hope “those gays” as my mother-in-law says, get to be married because it clears the way for those of us with bigger marital ambitions. Maybe if I had four husbands, one of them would finally be able to take out the trash.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
U can't be MM and support homosexuality' or RU bein' ironic?
Four husbands? Four times the road rage? Four times the men who leave socks and underwear and dirty dishes lying around? Four times the husbands who play video games too late to give you any loving at night? Four times the sticky dried urine and pubic hairs all over and surrounding the toilet? Four times the shaving bits left in the sink and on the counter? Four times the toothbrush splatter on the mirrors? No, thank you!
As for gay marriage, because the prophets have told us repeatedly that this is not what is meant to be, and because I fully sustain and support my General Authorities, I have to go with a no on that one.
The problem is, I am also a human being and I believe that homosexuals should have at least the same rights as hetero co-habitators do in many commonlaw states. I think it is so sad when there is tragedy for someone you love and you have no rights because of your sexual preference...no rights to be with them in the hospital, no rights to help make important decisions regarding their care, no rights to children you've bonded with, etc.
And, by the way, wikileaks is in a lot of trouble right now...wrapped up in lawsuits with the Church because of copyright violations and slanderous articles.
I am for gay marriage. I had a cousin who was a lesbian and lived with her partner for 30 years before dying of cancer. Her partner wasn't allowed to make medical decisions, and since she died without a will, she lost most of their stuff and all the memories that went with them. It was terrible to witness that.
I also think that if they are allowed to adopt children then they should have the same rights and protections of a married couple.
It's a conflicting opinion since I am also an active church member, but I gotta go with my gut feeling on this one.
Wow, I'm so glad some of you chimed in on this as I think it's going to be one of the most polarizing issues in the LDS church for the next decade. I'm already starting to see my friends take sides and now that the church has weighted in, it will probably get a little heavy if we discuss it at gatherings. Honestly, I didn't want to outright give a strong opinion on this one as I wanted everyone to feel free to join the discussion and not be intimated that they'd be judged. For our generation, this is going to be a landmark decision, one of those you'll look back on 30 years from now and either be ashamed or proud of your foresight depending on the outcome.
Personally, I think gay marriage is inevitable... that being said I do have issues with it, but I also think homosexuals deserve equal rights when it comes to their partnerships.
I agree that it's going to happen no matter what. I also think that it's going to be the gateway to making polygamy legal. And then the scary stuff starts... Will the church start doing it again? I don't want a sister-wife!
I think you need to put an undecided on your gay marriage poll because it's a hard one for me. I have a lot of gay friends and it's hard to tell them I don't think they deserve to have the same rights to happiness with the person they love that I share with my husband. But I know that it is just another way Satan is trying to tear down the world by getting at the family. I guess you could say that my natural and spiritual sides are "discussing" this one... like most things actually.
I don't understand it...you allow "straight" people take a sh.t on marriage all the time.
Why not let everyone. Some jerk millions of years ago said,"This is how it's going to be because the other way doesn't make sense." What you're all saying is "it doesn't make sense in my world". Take a step back...I was born gay, I can't fight it, it's who I am. Because your and my GOD made me this way...now I'm supposed to not enjoy my life because I enjoy sex a bit different? It honestly doesn't make sense...Also, how does my marrying the love of my life make your union any less?
I debated about an "undecided" choice, but I think that as this discussion progresses with the church taking a clear side and putting resources there, "undecided" is going to be a hard position to keep! If someone came to you today and said which is it- Y/N- what box would you mark?
what happened to seperation of church and state?? Personally, I don;t think the church should be telling people how to 'spend their time' on this. I think everyone should have equal rights.... love one another*, right? (*unless you're gay?)
I'm just not sharing my hubby period.
The scary part is where does it all end. If gay marriage is legalized will they push for sex education to be taught differently in schools? Will they have to read books about gay lifestyles to elementary school kids? Gay marriage isn't a destination it's a gateway down a very scary road.
I think we are ata point where it is just giong to happen whether we want it or not. I personally don't see why a gay person shouldn't have the same rights as anyone else. They are consenting adults, they should have all the rights to wills, medical decisions, child custody etc as straight people. Whether or not what they are doing is wrong in the eyes of god...well thats their problem in the afterlife. But I don't think we have the right to persecute against them here. It does nothing to uplift us by condemning them.
I support gay marriage. I say it's time that gays step up to the plate (you know, pitching, catching, etc.) Religion around the world is the vehicle for much hatred and bigotry.
Why ya'll gotta be hatin'?
Let the brothas be matin'!
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