Tuesday, May 20, 2008

I Didn't Know Tupperware Could Be Made In THAT Shape!

Once my friends got married several annoying things began to happen, but the peskiest thing of all is that they started having parties. You know, you've been invited to them when your home teacher has you cornered- Pampered Chef, Stampin' Up, Tupperware (yes, there's a lady in the ward who still does this and is one of the best in the country I might add), Silpada, etc. Why is it my husband has never once been invited to such a party?

Well, shocker of shockers, one of my friends (who is more devout than I) is having a "Passion Party," which is for sex toys. Yes, you read that right, a mormon sex toy party as I assume she's going to invite the ladies in our circle. While I like to think of myself as a little more liberal when it comes to sex (at least in private), this has me flipping out. How exactly does one act at such a party? Am I supposed to balance the snappy appetizer of the moment in one hand while holding a dayglo vibrator in the other? What does one say at such a party? Usually at Pampered Chef parties I say things like, "Wow, I could really use this!" or "Yeah, I can see this gadget saving me time." I don't think those phrases will work for this party... I checked out the website to see what the offerings would be and now I'm really worried, what if I get the "Kicker 200" only to find the woman next to me got the "Jack Rabbit 4,000." How do I go home and explain that to my husband?

Also, at other parties, they demonstrate the products. Let me just say, I'll go just because I'm curious to see how the host goes about doing that- oh, and I'm hoping there's a few ladies that I'll get to see blush. Now if I could only come up with an appropriate appetizer to bring! Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

I don't know what I would do if invited to this kind of party, especially by one of my LDS girlfriends. I think I would be in complete shock, but I might go just out of curiosity.

dragonnldy77 said...

I Have gone to several. It's really no big deal. And you can get some really great creams and lubes and stuff if you aren't interested in the actual toys. Mostly it was just a lot of silly fun. God gave us sex for more than just kids. I don't know why you should be ashamed to enjoy it, or find new ways to enjoy it.

Sahara said...

I would be blushing the whole time too. Did hubby like the idea of you going? For an appetizer..strawberries and whip cream, lol!

Joanna said...

I think the best app. has to be 'lil smokies!! Have fun and tell us how it goes!