My family with a greater love for church and cheese than I spent last evening at the Mo' Tab & Osmonds concert. When you're filled with the spirit does you face have to take on that fake smile--what do you think David Archuleta? Growing up I thought Marie was beautiful, but now as an adult I think she's sadly strange. I've met Donnie and in person his face and hair have had more retreads than a diesel tire, but he was a nice man. Thanks for fifty years of representing Mormonism, now please go away. The Osmonds are headed to Vegas for a permanent show, click on this pic and you'll see Donnie already looks like Wayne Newton. Who do you think will be the next Mormon entertainment dynasty to last more than a decade?
Not many mormons have really been able to do what they have so I doubt another one will come along easily. There are lots of famous Mo's but not many that out spoken about it all. You never know though, Katherine Heigl just came out of the closet. :)
Criminently! He does look like a reincarnated Wayne Newton! On the other hand, I enjoy looking at the white-haired brother. My Mom will be going to the concert tonight so that's all I will hear about for the next month.
I grew up in Northern Utah right in the heart of Osmond Country and I remember seeing them at a ward party when I was a little girl.
Marie must have an incredible PR staff.
LOL...I too attended the Osmond Love feast Friday evening. I was the one dressed in a T-shirt, shorts, flip-flops and with my knee's cross was clearly NOT wearing the "authorized pattern" Oh and I think I was the ONLY one who didn't stand up during the "Praise to the Man" Cult Worship ceremony when Monson walked in. GAGGGG!!!
So I only really have one question...is it Donny or Merril that dies their hair?
I had a crush on Marie (Donny and Marie variety show) before I even knew what a mormon was...boy I'm glad she didn't wait for me. I never thought about Donny's coal black hair before. That's funny he's the only one without the grey.
I know for a FACT Donny has hairplugs (at least as of '01) as I knew the person doing them...they provide that service for other men of profile in the Utah Valley.
I heard somewhere that Donny Osmond suffers from crushing embarrasment from being Donny Osmond. Wonder if its true.
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