Tuesday, July 1, 2008

When Bad Things Happen To Bad People

The last few days I’ve been working through some thoughts on the unfortunate events that are a part of everyone’s mortal living. I make it no secret that I’m not the best Mormon, nor do I want to be and several family members who are more devout, not to mention seminary teachers and bishopric members, really dislike that about me. So, often when negative things happen in my life, and so far they’ve all been health-related having nothing to do with our family’s lifestyle choices, just the randomness of biology, I get a strange vibe from some people. Their off-hand comments have led me to believe that they think we somehow deserve to be punished. Is it just me or is this somehow a perspective brought on by the Mormon culture? Just as God grants blessings to those who practice a certain outline of obedience, he can zing those who have different ideas of faithfulness ? I’m not sure, it could just be them, but where would they get this? It all strikes me as, well, a little Medieval. Remember in your history class when they talked about the dark ages and how they thought mentally ill, handicapped, or ugly people were being punished by God for their sins---well, sometimes I can relate and it’s been over a thousand years.


Joanna said...

I've had bad things happen to us when we were true and faithful- people said "it's a trial of your faith, god would never give you more then you could handle". then more bad health stuff since DH left the church. now people say "if he would just be more in tune with the spirit" or "HF would help him deal with this better, if he'd let him." .... it's all about how people justify it all. Although I know just how you feel and it doesn't help. :)

dragonnldy77 said...

I know how you feel. And I don't know why people act the way they do, if it makes them feel superior or anything. I don't know. But I have come to the conclusion that God doesn't ave anything to do with it. I have known truly spiritual good devout people go through all kinds of bad things and others who are truly anti-religion/god (not really bad people just love to do everything they think they aren't supposed to do out of rebellion or something, even thought they are in their 30's and 40's) who seem to breeze through. So faith has nothing to do with it I believe. And you just have to brush off the snottiness when it comes your way.

Doug Wallace said...

Yeah, don't you know that heathens and gentiles deserve every ill that befalls them due to their disobedience, but the Lard always prospers those who obey?

Yep, that's the way it works...the Book of Mormon says so.

Jamee Hardy said...

I think it has nothing to do with if you are good, or bad. Bad things happen to good people, good things happen to bad people and vice a versa. Some of those bad things can just be due to ill decisions, and other bad things...well sometimes they just happen. But I think the true test of ourselves and of our character is how we deal with it. Heavenly Father loves us, and wants us to be happy. And that's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

We are all going to go through tough times but I do believe that whatever your beliefs that leaning on the Lord will help.