**Update- those of you who chose excommunication as a poll answer were correct as that was the final outcome.
My “Men On A Mission” calendar is currently hanging up in the craft room next to a sign that reads, “Families Are Forever? Oh heck!,” because let’s face it, one begat the other. Today one of my readers tipped me off to a story posted on TMZ.com that reveals that the creator of the chesty missionary calendar is facing a disciplinary council “on ‘his’ behalf.” Click here to read the letter from the stake president.
So, should Chad Hardy the creator of the calendar be disfellowshipped or excommunicated for “conduct unbecoming a member of the church?” In my opinion, no.
I think instead of a disciplinary letter from the church, he should’ve received a thank you note. What his calendar did was show that Mormons, men in particular, aren’t as conservative and awkward as the outside world often believes-- that maybe, they’re actually normal. If you flip through the calendar you’ll see the men show nothing more than if they were at the public pool, if only my old Mormon missionary looked that good when shirtless and oiled!
The other item of note is that the letter stipulates that the witnesses he provides must be members of the church. What if the person who could best defend you wasn’t? What about religious justice? I hope Mr. Hardy does attend the disciplinary council and is as candid about his experience as he’s been with the stake president's letter.
Please, post your opinion, especially if you have another view. If you’ve ever wondered who the “Molly Mormon” is that writes this blog, well hopefully you’ll be seeing a lot of me in Mr. Hardy’s next calendar, Mormon Muffins: A Taste Of Motherhood-- that is if he’s looking for lumpy muffins.
Like a waterfall in slow motion, Part One
2 years ago
I don't see how he did anything wrong. I think they should just leave him alone. I hope he goes to the hering, brings a calendar with him as well as a copy of his FAQ's page from the website. I would be dissapointed if they disciplined him at all. It's like Calendar Girl's (which if you haven't seen this movie you should - its great) where they make a calendar for a good cause. While it might it might bother some people (something always will) I see no issue with it. And man - where were those guys when I was dating?
I disagree. I have two brothers (one who just came home and one still serving) and I think they face enough problems with people not taking young men seriously. (Or young men not taking their missions seriously.) I don't believe the calendar does anything to promote good feelings towards missionaries or the church. I did read the FAQs and while they seem to say they are trying to dispell myths etc. I don't think this is a great way to go about it.
The bottom line for me is that I don't think it's appropriate. I don't know that excommunication or disfellowshipment is warranted, but I know if the tables were turned and they made a topless Molly Mormons calendar, there would be an uproar. There should be. I don't want or need to look lustfully at any other men, especially not my fellow LDS men, whom I want to revere and respect.
I think that calling a church disciplinary council may also be going a bit further than needed, but hopefully it sets the tone for reverence that we should all have about our bodies as temples. Frankly, I think you can be far more sexy with clothes on.
I'm just wondering why you keep questioning Authority in the church all of a sudden... first about the WoW and now about this soft-core porn.
I just had another thought too...
If they are going to call to repentance the man who masterminded this project, what about the supposed Elders who participated? And what about the women who are buying the calendar?
I said before I'm not sure how far disciplinary council should go, but I agree that an admonishment is warranted. But I also think that anyone participating in or funding such distatsteful trash should be admonished as well. I mean, how can these people go to the temple with a clear conscience?
I've questioned "authority" my whole life and the church is no exception. Intelligence means never substituting someone else's judgement for your own--that goes for prophets, presidents, kings, husbands, etc. I spent a lot of my career working for the church--and I'm not talking about a nursery calling- so I've seen how decisions get made from the top down. Also, the definition of "porn" is so hard to come by even the supreme court has had a difficult time defining it.
I'm enjoying your feedback as a different viewpoint makes both positions better thought out!
To anonymous, Im sorry but in my humble opinion calling a man with his shirt off soft core porn is ridiculous. It is not even close to the same thing as having a topless woman. People can see topless men everyday on the street, in sports, at the pool, it is not anything shocking or tasteless to me. As for questioning, I was raised to question everything. My very religious and wonderful LDS parents taught me I can never know anything for myself unless I question it and pray about and ask god for myself. About everything -- from what prophet says down to what my husband, parents,bishops, bosses say.
I can see you are really passionate about your objections and heaven knows I am not atacking, everyone is certainly allowed thieir opinions, I am just expressing mine too.
Wasn't the church founded on a kid "questioning" everything? Seems like a few readers are forgetting the roots of it all.
and when did Mormon's stop having a sense of humor?! It's tongue and cheek people! Funny, light hearted and not hurting anyone. Ex-ing the guy is over the top. I bought a calender and gave it to my little sister who unfortunatly couldn't see that I was pointing out that she could at least date CUTE Peter Priesthood! I wish I'd bought one for my scrapbook room too- so I guess if further action is taken well... I'm on the mailing list and not ashamed to say so.
I must admit I'm deeply disappointed...not in what this guy did, but that I didn't think of it FIRST!! Although, I'm not sure too many of the fairer persuasion would be interested in a calendar of 30-something LDS men with accompanying love handles and man-boobs!
And to "anonymous": I'm sure you also have an issue with women wearing flip-flops in the chapel and men not wearing ties or "white" dress shirts to church. It's ridiculously judgemental people like you who give Mormons everywhere a bad name. Besides, I saw more nipples and pubes at the swimming pool in the RB at BYU (official suits of course) than you might think...not that I was looking or anything:)
Also, before I forget...whoever was criticizing questioning of authority should look at the definition of myrmidon.
Just so it's clear, comments have been made by 2 different anonymouses here. Have to defend my own personal anonymous a little bit. I do believe that we can question what we are told and go to Heavenly Father with it. QUESTIONING is not the problem. Open defiance is. Regardless of anything else, we cannot sustain leaders and then flagrantly disregard the words they speak because they are the words of our Heavenly Father. So when we pray, we either find that the church (and the direction of its authorities) are true, or we find that NONE of it is true. It cannot be both ways.
And as to "we can see men everywhere with their shirts off" (paraphrasing here), I don't want to. I think they should keep their clothes on. And you don't see the Elder's Quorum parading around the cultural hall during a Saturday basketball game without their shirts on...
anonymous...maybe not at the church for basketball, but at the pool. So is it offensive for you to go to the pool? Ever been to a youth or YSA pool party? Were the boys/men asked to keep their shirts on?
Is your bathing suit "garment worthy"? I hear 1920's fashion is in vogue again...just saying.
Finally, I was always under the impression that the doctrine of infallibility belonged to the Catholic church. Church leaders are men, and if you believe that everything they say is "God's voice" then you live in a delusion waaaaaaay beyond reality.
Would you strap on some plastic explosive and blow yourself up if your bishop, stake president, or the prophet said to?
I wonder.
I'm not personally really scandalized by the content of the calendar (men with their shirts off doesn't really shock me.) The part of the calendar that bothers me is the missionary part. Missionaries are set apart as representatives of Christ (and yes I know they don't always live up to that.) If the calendar was just mormon men instead of equating them with missionaries it wouldn't bother me in fact I might think it was pretty funny. For some reason the missionary part is what gets to me. Even if the men in it aren't currently missionaries I don't like missionaries being sexualized even in jest.
one fish, good point, and I think it was one I didn't make clearly myself. These are supposed Elders, or even perhaps RM's...I don't really know the specifics, but that is very clearly crossing a line.
To answer other questions from other commentors, clearly there are situations in which it is appropriate for men not to wear their shirts and for women to wear modest bathing suits, and the church sets those guidelines for us. You are drawing lines to places that have clear answers and that no one has put forth as examples of wrong-doing.
Also, if you don't believe that our prophet speaks on behalf of our Heavenly Father, then I'm troubled about what exactly you DO believe and how you can profess to be a believer in the church or, I'm assuming, even a member in good standing?
Oh anonymous, anonymous, anonymous...where to start...
Joseph Smith himself said "there are revelations that are from God and revelations from elsewhere". This was in reference to him sending two apostles by revelation to a town in Canada for a specific purpose...only he sent them to the wrong town. Of course LDS believe the prophet speaks for God just like the Pope speaks for God to the catholics. The difference is Catholics believe the Pope is INFALLIBLE (does not mispeak ever) while the LDS church DOES NOT teach that about the Prophets. Brigham Young said there were Quakers living on the Moon and prophesied that missionaries would one day teach them. Well, man's been there and back, and no Quakers.
The point is the Church leaders should never do our thinking for us...EVER. Why would you need the Holy Ghost and personal revelation? I was always taught that the HG would CONFIRM truth. If all we have to do is let the Prophet do our thinking for us with nary a question, we would not have personal accountability...we could just say "the prophet told me to do it" (funny how that sounds like "the devil made me do it"), so I'm blameless.
People who trust blindly in their leaders are just lazy and want to coast through life as lemmings.
And as far as my standing in the church, which is none of your business, I hold a current temple recommend, and my last calling was gospel doctrine teacher.
I'm gonna be hard core because I am when it comes to the missionaries:
I disagree with you - first - there's a lot that will be discussed and prayed about in the meeting that isn't going to be released to the public and so it's not anyone's place here to say what should and shouldn't happen (If people want to pretend they have the priesthood and authority and insight to decide or weigh in on these sacred and serious issues, that's their prerogative...)
missionaries have enough problems not being taken seriously and with young ladies trying to get in their pants without something like this adding fuel to the fire...I had massive problems on my mission with ladies who only saw in us what they had seen in a couple other steamy movies that had just come out about the missionaries some years back...missionaries aren't supposed to be seen this way...that's why they are missionaries...(different from everyone else) what they do in their personal life is one thing, but essentially it's desecration of the mouthpieces the Lord has chosen to bear his message, and people like you and the guy who did it claim it's all innocent...
I wonder if they ever understood the sacredness or seriousness of what the missionaries do....
How many people will now not listen to the missionaries because they see them as propositioning harlots in an age that calls itsself progressive and says "yea do this do that it doesn't matter" when some people have been looking for something constant and rock sure?
So, now some people won't come because of this.
If people come to the church for the steamy missionaries they are in the wrong place, and the wrong faith....that's not the message.
So, we'll lose those who join for the wrong reasons....IT HAPPENS! So double loss!
So I see it as only damaging, I see nothing good that comes from it...the missionaries dress conservatively for a reason, so as not to distract from the message.
I got tired of being propositioned as a missionary, the military was bad enough, I didn't need it on a mission as well, I didn't need the stress, distraction, and when they see me or other missionaries as sex objects and things like this add to it, it only detracts from the work....
this is either the gospel or it's not, and if it doesn't help spread the work and enlighten people's minds to the message being shared, then it's not of God....what happens to him, is between him and the Lord though....
I personally am leery of the entire thing, and even more leery of people who not only see nothing wrong with it, but promote a differing opinion as "openmindedness" and claim their free speech is being infringed...
they have every right to do what they want and say what they want, but they can't do it and oppose the work of the Lord or hinder it and then claim to be His or united with him....or get upset when they are in opposition to it and claim they were just expressing themselves....
express yourself all you want, but some things belong in a certain time or place and using church membership to advance something that's destructive to it is what concerns me....it's called wolves in sheeps clothing.....
But go ahead and have your free speech, just don't do it as a member of the church and harm the work...or harm the work and claim there is no harm and get upset when someone sees it differently....
(That in mind, I have no idea why I keep reading this blog..,I can see why it was labled "anti" - I think if some things were worded differently it would be a lot more "okay" but some of how this is done I can see why some people have a problem with it and why the church (I believe you said) won't link to it and why some people call it anti - in some ways, I agree with them. But that would require another 200+ words....
The purpose of the witnesses being members of the church is it means they have an understanding of the covenants this gentleman has made, the purpose and standards of the church, and any witnesses will testify on his behalf that he is not in violation of those or shed additional light on the topic within the context of the gospel and its standards.
Having a non-member present for this would be pretty pointless then, don't you think?
It is obvious what he has done...the question isn't whether or not he did what he did...it is whether or not it is harmful to himself and the church...a non member is very likely to not believe that it is harmful because they don't believe in the standards of the church to the extent the members do...
But when it comes to questioning authority, there is a difference between questioning to learn, and challenging...too many people call challenging "questioning" under the guise of "learning".....I questioned authority when I left the Catholic Church, but that's just it, I can't call myself catholic now because I've challenged their authority and I don't believe they have the authority they claim to have...
Matt, I think you need to get your own blog...not because of your opinions, but because of their length! In addition to that, I'm not deluded enough to think the LDS church would somehow link to this blog- or any blog for that matter.
Oh, and as far as this site being "anti"--that's open to interpretation as it's not my intent, but a label I often see when people fear or are uncomfortable with what's being said.
I am pretty open about religion and such, but I have to say, the production and sale of this type of calendar lacks in basic judgment, taste, and respect (for oneself or others). I am all about free speech, but speech to shock and demean for profit we can all live very happily without.
Lets think about this instead of being emotional.
1)The missionaries are NOT sex symbols, they work very hard to avoid any kind of situation that would make them so, or lead to accusations of such, so why would we lead non-members to think they are to be lusted after?
2)These types of calanders serve one purpose, to fan the flames of desire, and towards someone we are not married to (and isnt available because he is a MISSIONARY)
3)OK, so the shirtless pictures were taken AFTER the guys were home from their missions, but they are NOT in a pool, so where is their garment top? You wouldnt see a faithful endowed member just hanging out in his jeans.
There are a lot of issues here, and these calanders smack in the face of A LOT of my (and the church's) moral standards.
note: You have the right to say or do whatever you want but you dont get to choose the consequences. No one is saying he cant make the calendar, whats on debate is if he can do that AND still be a member. Did anyone catch that he hasnt been active (or even been to church at ALL since 2002) so whats his motives in this?
Members with their shirts off at the pool is one thing, I dont mind that, but I dont take suggestive pictures of those that are "hot" and hang them on my wall so I can lust after them.
I would have a problem with my husband hanging a calendar of women in suggestive posses even if they were in a bathing suit.
it IS porn (albeit soft) because of the feelings it invokes.
It is not virtueous, lovely, of good report or praiseworthy so why would we seek after it?
To those who have issues with "questioning". We are always asked to know for ourselves through prayer. But if the Prophet says one thing, and we instantly believe he is wrong, what kind of prayer are we going to give? If we get an answer he is WRONG, shouldnt we consider looking elsewhere for our faith? Either its true or its not, either you are a mormon or your not, no matter what the records say.
You judge FLDS...some of you are only one step away!!!
The prophet said...blah blah blah.
Didn't Joseph Smith and Brigham Young say to get a bunch of wives?
If I did everything "authority" told me to do, I'd need buckets of lube!
jenster- i like the points you bring up but, the statement that "it's true or it's not, you're a mormon or not" is a little to black and white for me. Just because someone is questioning a part of the church or 'testimony' certainly doesn't mean they don't belong. The church is a place for everyone to learn together... not for those who already have it all figured out, exclusively. We are all imperfect in our journey- everyone at their own pace. Missionaries teach that and we as members need to remember it and not think that we are above the learning curve.
I hope "Doug Wallace" is not his real name, because I know a Doug Wallace, and if he believes what he is writing here, I fear for his eternal soul. I'm debating telling his bishop, because you can't hold a temple recommend and not support the leaders of the Church unwaiveringly.
I like to get on here and check out what's going on, and today it is clear to me that I cannot anymore. While I appreciate your humor and antics, I do not have a good peaceful feeling while I read your blog. Instead I feel like everything can be and is justified and satan gets a little more control of me and maybe of others. That being said... As far as missionary men in the calanders. Shame on that man, for using the something so beautiful in the church. And turning around and putting it in his pocket. These things just should not be going on, and yes I veiw them as anti. So thank you for the laughs, but I will be sticking to my own blog now.
Matt - I was propositioned constantly on my mission too, only they fat, ugly, and hairy, so it was more of an amusement than a distraction:)
Anonymous - I appreciate your concern. I am equally concerned for the myrmidons who post on this thread.
Finally, just because I don't agree with Matt and anonymous doesn't mean I'm less of a worthy member than they are. Their attacks on my standing in the church reminds me of those who get all in a tiff when a reputible member, say a GA, is also an elected DEMOCRAT. They can't figure out for the life of them how a DEMOCRAT can be a Mormon in "good standing".
BTW, I'm a DEMOCRAT and voting for Obama:)
Finally someone here standing up for their beliefs and doing what the church leaders have said: namely, don't read materials that are not sanctioned by the church or that do not profess views in complete harmony with church positions.
Perhaps www.fairlds.org or www.farms.byu.edu would be places you could feel more comfortable, as I'm sure you won't find anything there with which you disagree.
I seriously CANNOT believe what I am reading. It is so frustrating. I am pregnant and debated going back to church for my child...I now realize there is no way I will raise this open-minded being around people such as some of you. I am reminded of the recent Relief Society talks where it was said "Tolerance is sin". You speak of "good feelings", but of everything I've read I feel the most darkness when I read things from Matt, Jamie, or the other anonymous. Their lack of compassion is why world tragedies like the Holocaust or the KKK exist. Whether or not you agree with the calendar, to shut someone out or pass such critical judgement is so alarming. I will not raise my chid in that. I want them to question authority, otherwise they may drink the cool aide. God forbid we think for ourselves.
P.S. Anonymous who want to "tell" or "report" on Doug Wallace, you really should be ashamed...you would have been perfect for Hitler. Change your screen name to "Gestapo".
Wow I've got to say that the judgement here is pretty scary. I think judging someone based on a comment typed on a blog is pretty sad. I think that if you disagree with someone, that personally attacking them and their standing in the church is really out of place. You aren't going to change opinions by attacking. In fact it just further polarizes people. Chad Hardy is going to get a chance to speak for himself and have people speak on his behalf. Hopefully the disciplinary council will treat him with love, respect, and prayer. Attacking eachother on a blog based on a few idle opinions is really not something I like to see from members of any religion in any standing. And yes I realize I am judging too!
To meggaboo05 -
Please don't base your view of the church on the sad judgements of a few passionate misled people. There are good people in the church and hopefully you can influence your kids to know the difference. Good luck with your pregnancy.
CHAD HARDY wrote this on the subject... I posted this thread on www.postmormon.org but also wanted to post this here as well for those who might find this of interest.
I wanted to post this blog about where the "Men on a Mission" project has been since it launched in September of last year, up until the latest and greatest sexcommunication scandal (which has made our initial news coverage look like a classified ad.)
We officially launched the project on September 10 by sending out a press release on business wire. As soon as it hit, Arizona media was all over this like flies to honey and the Houston Chronicle grabbed the story and posted on the top of their website. MSNBC saw the headline on the Chron, and immediately scheduled me and one of the models for a satellite interview the next day to scoop the story first. From there, an avalanche of top tier media requests came flooding through our website (http://www.mormonsexposed.com) from all over the world - from Russia to Finland, Australia, Italy, Germany and New Zealand, just to name a few.
ABC World News Now reported it, Fox News had us on with Shepard Smith, and later ABC News had us on a program called 'Influential’s' which highlights people that are making headlines in the news. Rolling Stone Magazine called us and featured us in the 2007 "Hot Issue" as the HOT calendar for 2008. TMZ.com featured us as well and called us the "hottest calendar for 2008." We also had feature stories in the Washington Post, New York Daily News, The Sydney Morning Herald, The London Times and Penthouse Forum (for shame!)
Ironically, Utah pretty much ignored the buzz - for a while, though the BYU and BYU-I papers did eventually run a story.
We were contacted by a lot of other top media, but the writer's strike hit around the same time OJ and Britney started making headlines, and we started to see some of our opportunities slip through the cracks - those being the Daily Show with John Stewart, Montel Williams (we had a shoot date but they canceled) The View, and Inside Edition. Nonetheless, we had a ton of press for pretty much pulling the calendar out of my ass. (I came up with the idea in April - by July we were in print and ready to roll.) Because of the media buzz, we were contacted by Calendar Club and they carried our calendar in all the stores and mall kiosks across the US, which they will be carrying it again this year in the US and Australia/New Zealand. I do have to mention - the store owner for Calendar Club in the Sandy Mall and Ogden Mall in Utah refused to sell the calendar, even though by contract has to. My mom went in the store to ask for it and he replied by saying "I'm not going to sell that filthy crap!" and was very hostile towards her. She then picked up the "Bikini Buns" calendar and asked him if he thought the bare asses on the calendar was considered filthy crap. (I love my mom! It's all her fault I turned out this way!) The Mall in St George, UT carried the calendar, which had the highest sales for our calendar of any mall in the US.
After the holidays, things quieted down a bit and I could focus on my "real" job, which was needed as I had neglected my company. Media requests would come in here and there, mostly from foreign countries. I was interviewed in New Zealand on national radio in the Spring as I was casting the 09 calendar. On April 9, we had our first shoot in Las Vegas. 6 guys were flown in for the shoot. Stephen Fry, a well respected UK celebrity, came to the shoot filming his BBC documentary called "Fry in America" which airs on prime time BBC in the UK this fall. Entertainment Tonight Canada was also there filming a segment - and TMZ.com covered it as well. We were juggling 3 camera crews, sound guys and technicians. You can check out the behind the scenes photos at http://www.myspace.com/menonamissioncalendar
Stephen Fry was so gracious, and he talks with really big words that I can not understand. It was so cool to listen to him interview one of the guys while he was sitting in the makeup chair, and he was sharing his core beliefs with this influential celebrity... with his shirt off. It was a really cool moment. The energy in the studio was indescribable. The guys had the time of their life, and they were so excited to be a part of this great project. One of the models had his mom, sisters and grandparents there. In fact, it was his mom that sent in his audition photos. The producer of the show emailed me a little while ago telling me he was editing our segment, and told me how much he and Stephen loved their experience with us. Funny thing, another BBC documentary company called me wanting to do a segment on the Mormon Church, and wanted to know if I could help them find good material to shoot. I pointed them in some good directions, and they will be filming my family as well during their visit to Utah. Wouldn't that just be the feather in Monson's cap!
Little did Salt Lake know, but I was actually a good advocate for the church. People asked us the tough questions that they were too afraid to ask other Mormons because we were out of the box, and normal. We got to dispel a lot of myths about polygamy, garments (as the men down under call them "magic underpants") and Mormon sex on national radio in Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.
It does not surprise me looking back on all the good we have done, and the amazing energy that surrounded what we were doing, that the recent events have backfired on the Church in not just a small way, but in a HOLY #^$% way!!! Karma?
I am absolutely blown away at how the Media has taken to this excommunication story. In 2 days, my media clippings are twice the size of a 4 month campaign from last year. The AP story was a top headline and most emailed on AOL.com, MSN.com, CNN.com, USAToday.com, FoxNews.com, ABCNews.com, MSNBC.com just to name a few. The story appeared in print in newspapers across the country - including random towns like Modesto, Ca. The story has also appeared online on the LA Times, Boston.com, San Francisco Chronicle, The Telegraph in the UK, The New Zealand Herald - and so many, many more, not even mentioning Blogosphere. My brain hurts just thinking about it.
I was interviewed by Newsweek today for Monday's issue- and we have been invited to have one of the models on Sunrise morning show in Australia via satellite next week. I also have been asked to be on a News Talk Radio in Ireland tomorrow as well as to be interviewed for a publication in Brazil. This morning another request has come in from London to talk on a radio show to go along with the opening of “Confessions of a Mormon Boy” in London. Yesterday I was invited back to be on Australia's number 1 morning radio show and they gave me at least 5 minutes of live air time. Since Sunday, I have been interviewed by the AP (obviously), was on BBC radio in the UK, CNN & CBS syndicated radio in the US, had a feature on Inside Edition that was being teased all day long as the headlining story and was interviewed and featured in a story in the Chicago Tribune and Religion News Service, which went out on the wire to all the newspapers across the world. In addition I have responded to media kit requests for broadcast and print to Norway, Sweden, Brazil and the UK. This morning I will be on a 30 minute program in Las Vegas called "Face to Face" with my Jewish business partner where we will be discussing the recent happenings. Another cable TV news show started by Al Gore has also contacted me and are in the approval phase to shoot a 8 minute story. I will keep you posted on that one. Everyday - all day - the media requests have been flying in.
I don't think the church had ANY idea the storm they were about to unleash. Had Hinckley been alive, he would have never allowed this to happen. He was a very media savvy man. Remember, this all came about after Monson took office. After all the media we had before, why was I never contacted earlier? We were in the Salt Lake Tribune months before the calendar even launched when we were in Utah for auditions. KSL Nightside radio came to the auditions, and then bashed us on air for an entire hour. (KSL is owned by the LDS Church.) Where was my phone call then?
I did warn my Stake President what could happen if I got called into a church court, and I pleaded with him to please not go through with it and to just let me be. I told him this calendar has been very high profile, and that I would have no choice but to go to the press if he continued. He acted like he didn't believe me. He was only doing what was commanded of him - and so he obeyed, without question. I feel bad for him. He is a very sweet old man, and I actually thought of delivering him some flowers or something, because I am sure he has to feel pretty sad right now as the spotlight has been on him in his circles as well. (I should send him a gift certificate to a nice dinner because our exposure has been monumental since Saturday.)
All in all, I felt so strongly that I needed to produce this project. I have no regrets and I would do it all over again. I knew it would take something like this to wake people up, and it blows my mind that it actually worked. And because I have done nothing to tear down the core beliefs of Mormonism, if anything celebrated and honored them – it put me in a very interesting position. Check mate.
A couple years ago, I had a harrowing experience in St George, UT where I lost just about everything I had due to personal prejudice and lack of integrity of the LDS business community and city officials. Being flat broke, and in huge debt, I was trying to put the pieces of my life back together, and I started to do affirmation walks up Snow Canyon. Things really started looking up for me, and that is when I decided I needed to move to Las Vegas and start my current company (http://www.venturevegas.com) which I did with my last credit card and a prayer. I will never forget about two years ago, I stood on the top of the canyon with my friend Lisa and called out to the universe that I wanted to create a project that would influence the lives of millions for the greater good, and that my voice would be heard around the world. Do you think it happened? When I finally got the courage to go through with the project, everything came together like rapid fire in the most perfect and unique way. I had full funding within 24 hours. I had a publicist within 36 hours. By the end of the week, I had 3 models cast. And the rest is history.
I love how when people get in trouble they start looking to justify themselves by finding other people who've done things wrong to show that they are better than the other people.
I work with convicted rapists and child molesters and this behavior is stock standard for their mentality. It's nice to see he has the same mentality and can't take responsibility for his own actions and has to justify himself by pointing out others flaws....
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