Saturday, July 12, 2008

Why Do This?

While I appreciate hearing everyone's opinions on the “Men On A Mission” calendar, and I have to say some excellent points were made on why this calendar shouldn't have been made- countering my own position, it saddens me to see that some have used my blog to write personal attacks against another person's standing in the church. This shows that tolerance and patience should continue to be preached from the pulpit.

I spent a good part of last night and today wondering if I wanted to continue with this blog, especially when it had the potential to cause so much angst in people’s lives. Why is it we have such a difficult time, particularly in the LDS church, when someone expresses a position different than our own? Is free agency not the very point of our existence?

When I started this blog it was because I wanted to know if I was alone in my thoughts and I now know I’m not, so I’ve decided to continue as in the end I write for no one but myself. If you choose to share my journey, then I welcome you, no matter your choices. Yes, you may find from time to time there are viewpoints expressed by me and other readers that you disagree with—that doesn’t make anyone Satan’s minion- as Mormons, and especially mothers, we’re all just doing what we think is right for ourselves and our families. Aren’t we all stronger members of the church and people in general when we listen to other viewpoints in a world with so much diversity? Who said we all have to agree all of the time? That isn’t how progress comes about. I invite you to move forward with me and ask you to continue posting that we all might find clarity in our lives.


Joanna said...

VERY well said Molly. I look forward to following more of your journey.

The Numismatist said...

Don't quit. I would miss your thought-provoking entries. Those who see the world around them in only black and white are missing out on many things, including personal growth.

Anonymous said...

I enjoy your ideas and writing. Keep it up or I will tell your mother.

dragonnldy77 said...

Don't stop writing Molly. I really enjoy your blog whether I agree or not. I have always found more to see than just black and white and will continue to follow you on your journey. I even put your link on my own blog!(which while fun is pretty much just for my family - but still) So don't quit now! :)